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  • Writer's picturePaige B.

Stop Stepping in Bullshit! 10 Things I Learned at 21... Now 22.

A lot can change in a day, so imagine how much can change in a year. A year ago today I turned 21, which makes me (as of 6:54am) 22 years young. That’s right, today is my birthday, making me a Taurus. That being said, this post is not to invite others to wish me a happy day-of-birth, but rather to talk about aging and the changes that come along with it. So, grab a cocktail, get cozy, and let’s chat about getting older.

When I was 16 all I wanted was to be in my 20s so I could feel like a true, mature, sexy woman. As I grew up watching television, twenty-somethings just looked so much older and cooler, while also being taller and slimmer. So imagine my surprise when I woke up April 29th, 2021, entering my twenties still standing at 5 foot 3. Each year I feel like I’m gonna wake up on my birthday and be hit in the face with a new personality, or even just a slight amount of maturity or sense of the world. Last year I turned 21 in Florence with my dear friend Kate, and the only thing that felt different was my hangover the next day. The only thing that majorly changed entering my twenties was my inability to wake up ready to boot and rally. But, in all honesty, I think it takes a whole year to acknowledge and appreciate how much you’ve grown, matured, and changed. You don’t reap the benefits of being 21 until you wake up and you're 22, and I won’t reap the benefits of being 22 until I wake up a year from now and I’m 23. It takes time and retrospect to be able to pat yourself on the back for just living. So Paige, what benefits of being 21 are you just discovering now that you're 22? I’m so glad you asked! Here is a brief list of 10 things I grew to appreciate during my 21st year on earth:

  1. Being able to drink legally in the US (I do not condone underage drinking)

  2. Learning to love and appreciate my body for what it is

  3. Accepting that I can’t change certain things or people, and it’s not my job to do so

  4. Learning that I am way more capable than I thought I was, in every aspect of life

  5. You can change your mind, you can say no

  6. Knowing when to just listen, not always having to share your thoughts

  7. Quality over quantity, except for when it comes to purses

  8. Independence is the greatest privilege you can have

  9. Realizing that I have so much time to accomplish my dreams, Rome wasn’t built in a day

  10. The only person you can count on is yourself, so work for you, make yourself proud

Though I may look the same and be the same height as my teenage self, the greatest change I have noticed between myself now versus then is my self-worth and my confidence. When I was a teenager, all I wanted was for people to like me; boys, girls, parents, teachers, I just wanted to be known for being likable. With that, I sacrificed so many of my interests in fear of what other people thought of me, and for what? I’ll never forget this moment from my freshman year of high school. I was so embarrassed to be in the musical production of “Mary Poppins" that when someone asked me why I was wearing a show shirt, I lied and said I threw up and had to change clothes, and for what! I love musical theater, I love to sing and dance, and I let my fear of judgment dictate my actions for so long. I never appreciated my talents because I was too preoccupied with my image. You’re 16 you don’t have an image, enjoy being a kid, and stop trying so hard to be older, I say this because, even once you get there you’re still gonna feel like a clueless kid trying to make sense of life. Now that I am in my twenties, I have learned, after many trials and tribulations, to not just love myself, but enjoy myself. I’ve never had more fun in my life than I have this past year, simply because I am doing what I love while also being surrounded by people I love. Whether you're 2, 22, or 102, you don't have time for bullshit, so stop stepping in it! Allow yourself to live and enjoy the world around you. Social media can make you feel like you're falling behind, but trust me you're right where you're supposed to be so slow down. Because next year you’ll be 23, and wouldn’t you rather wake up proud of the person you’ve become rather than regretting the time you spent stepping in bullshit? So, whether your birthday is tomorrow or in a few months, take a moment to realize that birthdays are a gift. They should be spent reminiscing on all of your accomplishments through the year, not crying over spilled milk. Say no to tears and hello to beers on your next birthday, mine will be spent with a martini of course because it's Monday! Happy early/ belated Birthday! If nobody has said it to you in a while I’m proud of you! Look how far you’ve come, and look how much farther you can go! Till next time, have a drink and relax, you’re right where you’re supposed to be. XOXO!

See you soon,

Paige B.

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